Gad Beck

Gad Beck ( * June 30, 1923 in Berlin, † June 24, 2012 ) was a German Jewish resistance fighter in the time of National Socialism, which became known in the 1990s through his autobiography to the public.


Gad Beck was born in 1923 into a Jewish family and grew up in Berlin -Weissensee, where he attended elementary school. In 1941, he joined the " Hechaluz ", a group that organized the Jewish colonization of Palestine and various forms of political resistance up to work in the underground.

During the last two years of the war, he organized as head of the Chug Chaluzi the survival of many living in the underground Jews.

After the war he lived first in Munich. In 1947 he emigrated to Israel, where he lived for 30 years - until 1979 he returned to Germany. There was a close collaboration with Heinz Galinski, the then Chairman of the Central Council of Jews in Germany ( Gad Beck was head of the Jewish folk high school).

1995 attracted Beck with the autobiographical " memories " of a Jewish- homosexual Berliner Gad went to David a lot of attention. The authenticity of details of the autobiography is controversial - the makers of the documentary The freedom of narration about the life of Gad Beck comment: "It seems that Gad Beck occasionally leaves the ground of historical truth to make his point stories sake. He thus fulfilled primarily a need of his audience and all those memory instances that want to get told to search for the dramatic, spectacular and the audience, history in a special way. "

Below Gad Beck has performed with numerous lectures and readings in Europe and the U.S. in appearance.
