Gag rule

A discussion prohibition (English: gag rule ) is to prevent an issue is discussed in a decision-making body, or a case that is related to this topic is treated.

Examples in politics

The best known were those rules from the U.S. policy, in particular than from 1836 - 1844 in the House of Representatives debate on slavery should be stopped. John Quincy Adams bypassed the ban more often.

Even in the recent past there have been in the United States rules that were given that name. 2001 George Bush issued the " Mexico City Policy " which also received the nickname global gag rule by their opponents. Likewise passages of the Patriot Act with this term be criticized.

In German-speaking countries occur bylaws or regulations, which are referred to by the other party as a discussion ban.


  • Policy ( USA )
  • Censorship
  • Method of communication
  • Discussion