Gailbach (Blies)


The Gailbach ( ma Gelbach ), French Ruisseau le Gailbach ( in the local dialect Gelbach ), is a small stream in the east of Lorraine and south of the Saarland. The Gailbach in the local dialect Gelbach, so called Yellow Bach, has received this name because the creek turns yellow at all during rainy carried along by clay. The creek is eponymous for the today Lorraine, french village Obergailbach and today Saar, German Village Niedergailbach.


The Gailbach springs southeast of Obergailbach and it flows at an altitude of about 209 m above sea level. NN in the German - French border river assemblies directly above clean home.

The surrounding hills are means Bruck, Dithers, Cheat Mountain, and at Niedergailbach book mountain, mountain barrier, book Büsch and Gallows Hill.


The part belonging to France part of the book 's " Pelouses a Obergailbach " is Natura 2000 area, which in turn a small part of " Le reason meadow " as a zone naturelle d' interet écologique, faunistique et floristic ( ZNIEFF ). The part belonging to Germany creek is part of the biosphere reserve Bliesgau.

The Gailbach is a carbonate medium mountain stream. It is characterized by a high negative migration barriers density, phosphorus and nitrogen loads from manure discharges, ammonium loads and an oxygen deficit.
