
A gamekeeper is a, the entitled hunter, so the station tenant, installed auxiliary person whose job is the perception of hunting protection.

There are confirmed and unconfirmed gamekeepers. Confirmation will be received by the relevant competent authority hunting. A confirmed gamekeeper has, if it is not regulated at the state level different from the same protection of hunting rights as the station owner. In addition, however, he is entitled to reasonable suspicion to stop in its service district personnel and vehicles and search. The area tenants, this is only in the presence of an unlawful act, for eg poaching, permitted. His responsibilities include, inter alia, People who hunt in a hunting ground unjustified or commit any other breach of hunting regulations or be outside the for general use certain ways without permission encountered this hunting equipped to stop to establish their identity and them trapped or hunted game, weapons, hunting and remove fishing gear, dogs and ferrets and Beizvögel and kill poaching dogs and cats. If it is a confirmed gamekeepers to a trained professional hunter or it is formed in forestry, he has within the Basin and in hunting matters beyond the rights and duties of a police officer and is regarded as determining the person prosecutor. Confirmed gamekeepers are insured as a professional hunter of the professional association, unconfirmed Jagsaufseher or hunting guests are not. An unconfirmed game warden has no special rights fighter protection. He is, however, as every citizen the right of the " Everyman arrest " to. The game laws of the countries require that the gamekeepers should report upon exercise of the Jagschutzes at the request of an interested party by showing his identification card or its service mark, unless that he can reasonably not be expected for security reasons. The confirmed gamekeepers are under the authority of the lower hunting authority.

Requirement for certification as a game warden is in addition to the valid hunting license, hunting lease capacity and the successful completion of a specific course. With trained professional hunters or foresters hunting authority may waive the course.
