Ganesh Chaturthi

The Ganesh Chaturthi is a Hindu festival which is celebrated consuming especially in Mumbai. It is one of the most important festivals in India.

Almost all Hindu faiths worship Ganesha, the god with the elephant head ( Gana means group army - Isha is a name of Lord Shiva ). No activity and no service can start without his assistance. He is considered among others as the embodiment of wisdom, happiness and success.

Ganesha's special day, his " birthday " is Ganesh Chaturthi, which falls on the fourth day of the Hindu month Bhadrapad ( according to the Hindu lunar calendar, usually September). The day kicks off a series of major autumn festivals that follow in October and November. Many believers invite a priest to her house so that he celebrates a Mass, a Ganesh puja.

Of special importance is Ganesh Chaturthi, however, for people in some parts of South India and in the state of Maharashtra in Pune (formerly Poona ) and in the capital Mumbai (formerly Bombay). For many Hindus in other parts of India, Ganesha represents only a minor manifestation, whereas here it is for most the most important representation of God, the chief deity. Ganesh Chaturthi is a matter for them the most important holiday of the whole year, not just in the religious sphere, as in other parts of the country, but also a great social holiday on which to visit, people to each other and wish happiness.

In the households, in public places, in schools and universities are situated on small or large statues. Sometimes it is - especially in rural areas - still the object of the children to produce these figures made of clay with their own hands. Either one and a half, five, seven, nine or eleven days, the statues remain on the altars are and embody the Highest - Daily comes a priest and celebrates the worship ( puja ). Subsequently, the people celebrate with singing and dancing, with modern music as well from the speakers sounds like religious songs. To the east of India, it is the goddess Saraswati, who is responsible for school children, students, artists and all spiritual workers. In this role the Maharashthra God comes to its shape with the elephant head. Sometimes students draw his picture yourself on the blackboard, and pray to Him in this way, the younger ones go to the first day to school. On the last day, the statues are adopted under jubilation, born in joyful processions to the water and sunk.
