
64.083333333333 - 21.9Koordinaten: 64 ° 5 ' N, 21 ° 54 ' W

Gardabær [' Karda pai ˌ ː r ̥ ] (Eng. Wall homestead ) is a city in southwest Iceland in the densely populated region between Höfuðborgarsvæðið Hafnarfjörður and Kópavogur south of Reykjavík. With 10,358 inhabitants (as of 1 January 2009) is the fifth largest city and sixth largest municipality in the country.


Gardabær as the further south Hafnarfjörður was built on the lava erupted about 7,200 years ago Búrfell.

In Landnámabók of today Gardabær with the farms and Vífilsstaðir Skúlastaðir be mentioned settlements in the area, which already existed in the country taking time. Vífilsstaðir was the courtyard of the Vifill, a slave Ingólfur Arnarsons, the first settler on the island. Up until the 1960s had Gardabær more rural character. Due to the increased emigration from the sparsely populated regions of the island and the resulting concentration of the total population in the capital region around Reykjavík, also the number of inhabitants Garðabærs increased (1960: 1000, 1976: more than 4000 inhabitants), whose suburbs surrounding now to the cities adjacent. In 1976, the town market rights and got the status of a city. Gardabær is essentially bound in modern, purpose-related architectural city, striking is a predominantly low-density development of housing estates. Early 2013 merged with Álftanes Gardabær.

Culture and sights

The core city itself offers little of interest. But These Founded in 1998, the Icelandic Museum of Design and Applied Arts, and the two architecturally modern and simple style church buildings, including the 1995 built, white concrete church Vídalínskirkja and the older Garðakirkja, as well as a highly recognizable Town Hall Tower. In addition, the district Álftanes the president seat Bessastaðir and Bessastaðakirkja, one of the country's oldest church building.


Gardabær is the seat of the company's 66 ° North.


The city is across the street 41, attached to the Hringvegur, the most important Icelandic artery. Southwest is the Keflavík airport.


From Gardabær the club Stjarnan Ungmennafélagid comes.


Sons and daughters

  • Gardar Jóhannsson ( born 1980 ), football player
  • Ólafur Jóhann Sigurðsson (1918-1988), writer
  • Sigurdur Bjarnason ( handball player ) (born 1970 ), handball player and coach