Gardes Françaises

The Gardes Françaises - (translated: French Garden ) served 1563-1789 the kings of France as Guard Infantry Regiment. She was one of the household troops of the king of France.

Formation history

The Gardes Françaises - was of Charles IX. erected during the First Huguenot War. They originally had a strength of 500 men in 10 companies. Under Louis XIV, the Gardes Françaises, had a strength of 9,000 men in 30 companies. In 1789 the troops of 3600 officers and men consisted in six battalions with one infantry and four Füsilierkompanien. The regimental commander held the rank of Marshal of France. The heads of the grenadier companies were owner of a French infantry regiment. On 31 August 1789, the regiment was disbanded, but his soldiers were the backbone of the newly formed National Guard.


In the 18th century, the Gardes Françaises - formed with the Swiss Guards infantry brigade. They fought among others at the battle of Malplaquet on 11 September 1709 at the Battle of Dettingen on 27 June 1743 and is at Fontenoy on 11 May 1745. The majority of the Gardes Françaises - was July 14, 1789 on the side of the people at the storming of involved in the Bastille.
