
Garibald was in the year 671 a short time King of the Lombards.

Garibald was the son of the king Grimoald and his wife, who was a sister of Grimoalds throne rivals Perctarit. He lived, as Grimoald 671 stricken and died Garibald his successor, in the Franconian exile, but had many followers in Italy. This called Perctarit, who had ruled already 661-662 as king, back into the country. Garibald was just three months in office, deposed and a People's Assembly unanimously elected Perctarit his successor.


  • Paul the Deacon, Historia Langobardorum, ed. Ludwig Bethmann and Georg Waitz, in: Monumenta Historica Germaniae, Scriptores rerum et Langobardicarum Italicarum SAEC. VI -IX, Hahn, Hannover 1878