Garrick Club

The Garrick Club is a famous London club, especially the actors, writers and other artists belonging to a certain extent but also representatives of the legal professions.

It was founded in 1831 under the leadership of Duke Augustus Frederick, a brother of King William IV. Owes its name to the club David Garrick, the leading British thespians of the 18th century. Accordance with its objectives is the clubhouse in 13-15 Garrick Street just off the Set around the Pall Mall actual " Clubland ", and this in closer proximity to the London theater district around Covent Garden.

The strictness of the inclusion criteria comes in the proviso to the expression "It would be better did ten unobjectionable men be excluded than one terrible shoulderstand bore shoulderstand be admitted '. Among the most famous members were, inter alia, the writer Charles Dickens, William Makepeace Thackeray, George Meredith, the actor Henry Irving, the composer Edward Elgar and painters such as Frederic Leighton and Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

Known is the club for its over 1,000 exhibits comprehensive art and theater history collections as well as for its specialized library.


  • The Garrick Club
  • British Club
  • Established in 1831