
Gärsnäs is a village on the Baltic Sea City ( tätort ) in the southern Swedish province of Skåne County and the historical province Scania.

Gärsnäs is part of the municipality Simrishamn and is located at 11 Riksväg The town has a station on the railway line Köpingebro - Gärsnäs and was formerly a small railway junction.

The Gärsnäs castle dates from the 14th century. In addition, in the village there is a furniture factory.

Gärsnäs AB

Sources and notes

Tätorter: Borrby | Brantevik | Gärsnäs | Hammenhög | Kivik | Östra Tommarp | Sankt Olof | Simris | Simrishamn | Skill rings | Vik | Vitaby

Småorter: Baskemölla | Gladsax | Gröstorp | Gyllebo | Järrestad | Örnahusen | Östra Hoby ​​| Östra Vemmerlöv | Raskarum och Ljunglyckorna | Ravlunda | Sandby | Skräddarödby | Södra Mellby | Vallby | Vitemölla

  • Place in Skåne County
  • Community Simrishamn