
The Gebersbach is a tributary of the Elbe near Dresden. It rises in the district Hänichen the community Bannewitz and flows in a northeasterly direction to the Elbe River, where it flows orographic left after about ten kilometers flow path.


In the upper reaches of the donor stream flowing past in a northeasterly direction to Rippien, Golberode and Goppeln until it is dammed below the ruined Gebergrund mill in a big pond. The then following dam in Kauscha serves the flood protection and was completed in 1985. In Nickern the brook enters the urban area of Dresden. In Prohlis district he will run above ground in Prohliser Landgraben, then in the field of Mügelner street in Reick and the road Moränenende in Dobritz in an underground channel. Near the gravel pit Leuben he reunites above ground with a branch of Lockwitzbachs, the Niedersedlitzer Flutgraben. In this way, the donor stream then flows into Tolkewitz into the Elbe.

Gebersbach just behind the dam Kauscha

At the Prohliser Church
