
51.09805555555611.496388888889188Koordinaten: 51 ° 5 ' 53 "N, 11 ° 29' 47" O

Location of the district in the country village of Bad Sulza

Village Church

Gebstedt is a district of the country village of Bad Sulza in the northeast of the Thuringian district of Weimar.


Gebstedt located in the farming area between Apolda and Eckartsberga on the regional road in 2158 and at the close by leading national highway 87 near the border with Saxony -Anhalt.


At the beginning of the 9th century Gebstedt is first mentioned in a list of the Archbishop of Lull († 786) of Mainz awarded for the Hersfeld Abbey of outdoor goods as Gehunstete.

On 31 December 2012, the municipality Gebstedt was incorporated together with other churches in the town of Bad Sulza. The municipality Gebstedt belonged to the district Neustedt and the homestead Schwab village. Neustedt was an independent village in the rural community of Bad Sulza, Schwab village received no official status.
