Gemini house

The Geminihaus is a rotating solar house on the occasion of the Styrian Provincial Exhibition 2001 with the motto of power in the castle park of the city of Weiz ( Siegfried Esterl - lane 8) was built as a prototype. The client was the city of Weiz, executive architect DI Erwin cold Egger, who has received the Austrian Euro Solar Prize 2001 for the realization of the house. The house dates back to a concept of the former computer programmer Roland Mosl (Salzburg) from the year 1991.


The body of the futuristic house consists of a vertical cylinder of 10.38 m diameter and 7.08 m height. This cylinder is ( also the basement) stored on its concrete foundation rotatable and is azimuthally adjusted to face the sun; simultaneously mounted on the roof of photovoltaic modules of approximately 70 m² surface vertically tracked the sun. Due to the good thermal insulation and a solar thermal system with 10 m² of space and a heat pump and heat recovery, the amount of electricity generated is higher than the energy consumption of the house, so the Gemini house is classified as plus energy house. The living area is approximately 125 sqm.


The name Gemini (Latin for " twins " ) to bring the dual role of the house as a dwelling and power plant at the same time to express, on the other hand, is an association of the technoid design of the house to the pragmatic, honest architecture of a space vehicle with its outstretched solar sensors to be created.
