Gemma Galgani

Gemma Galgani ( born March 12, 1878 in Camigliano, part of Capannori, Italy, † April 11, 1903 in Lucca, Italy) was an Italian saint and mystic.


The hl. Gemma Galgani is particularly known for their mystical visions. At a young age she had called mystical experiences and felt a consecrated life. Several times she tried to enter a monastery, but, due to their very poor health, she was rejected again and again. Instead, you put off the private vow perpetual virginity, to lead a life of constant prayer.

1899 appeared on her body stigmata. From then on, their visions were written without her knowledge. After a mission of the Passionists in Lucca, she developed a strong inner to this order relation, especially to Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin, whose beatification decency. Father Germano Ruoppolo CP, her spiritual director and confessor, later wrote her first biography. Gemma Galgani died on April 11, 1903 Holy Saturday. She was buried in the habit of the Passionists and is counted among the saints of this order.

Gemma Galgani was beatified in 1933 and 1940 by Pope Pius XII. canonized. Your Memorial Day in the liturgy is May 16
