Generation of '98

The Generación del 98 ( Generation of 98 German ) was a literary movement in Spain.

The term goes back to Azorin, which it used in a series of articles, " La Generación de 1898 " of 1913, and plays on the disastrous defeat of Spain in the Spanish -American War and the ensuing tense social and political situation. Although the designation of many writers of the era was disapproved (including Pío Baroja ), it has become generally established.

Common features of the writers of the Generación del 98 are approximately the same age ( born about 1864-1875 ), similar biographies ( self-taught ), interest in philosophy (especially Schopenhauer and Nietzsche ) and especially in the youth share similar political views ( often anarchist ideals ). Many authors were also connected to each other by personal friendships and joint projects.

The Generación del 98 focused particularly on an analysis of the reasons for the decline of Spain, which since 1898 was no longer gloss over, and she tried to show ways out as especially a spiritual reorientation of Spain to Europe.

The most important representatives Ramiro de Maeztu, Azorin and Baroja Pío apply. Also Joaquín Costa, Miguel de Unamuno, José Ortega y Gasset, Antonio Machado, Ramón María del Valle- Inclan, Vicente Blasco Ibáñez and Gabriel Miró are often included in the group.
