Genista anglica

English broom ( Genista anglica )

The English broom ( Genista anglica ) is a species of the genus broom in the subfamily of the Fabaceae ( Faboideae ).


The English broom is an overwintering green, 30 to 40 cm high dwarf shrub ( woody Chamaephyt ). It is simple, gray-green leaves and bare without stipules. The leaf blades are 3-7 mm long and up to 4 mm wide. Its stems grow prostrate to ascending, and are not winged. Older branches are thorny. Young branches are densely foliated without thorns and.

The flowers are in short racemes. The bracts of the flowers are ovate and longer than the pedicels. The sleeves are puffed and slightly bald. The flowering period extends from May to June.

Distribution and location

He settled dwarf shrub heath, Nardus grasslands, silicate skimmed lawn and forest edges on fresh, moderately nutrient - and base-rich, loamy, poor acidic sandy or loamy soil. He is a Kennart the plant communities of the sand broom Gentiles ( Genisto anglicae - Callunetum ). The species is in some German states as endangered.
