Gentianella germanica

German Frans gentian ( Gentianella germanica )

The German Frans gentian ( Gentianella germanica ) is a plant of the genus wreath gentians ( Gentianella ) in the family of the Gentian Family ( gentian family).


The German Frans Gentian is an annual or biennial plant, which reaches stature heights between 5 and 30 centimeters. The stalk is usually only upper ward way branching. The decussate, lower leaves are spatulate to obovate, towards the top they are ovate - lanceolate acute to.

The hermaphrodite flowers are fünfzählig. The cup is about half as long as the corolla tube, where the five rough on the edge Kelchzipfel the same length and the indentations between the calyx lobes are pointed. The five reddish- purple petals are fused.

The flowering period extends from May to October.

The chromosome number is 2n = 36


The flowers are stem plate flowers whose corolla tube is closed by a hair mesh for einkriechende insects. The nectar is accessible only langrüsseliegen insects; however, a " intrusion " by lateral bite is not rare. The flowering period extends from May to October.

The leaves contain the bitter substance Gentianopikrin.


The German Frans gentian is found in Central Europe and most of Western Europe. He settled Magerrasen, fens, meadows, mats, pastures and sheep pastures at altitudes up to 2600 meters. It prefers loamy, calcareous soils.

