Georg Pictorius

Georg Pictorius (* 1500 in Villingen, † 1569 in Bärenthal ), was Georg painter, was a physician and mystical- magical author of the Renaissance.


He was the son of the butcher Michael Painter, first attended a convent school of the Franciscans and then studied philosophy and liberal arts at the University of Freiburg, where he Latinized his surname painter Pictorius. 1529 he was an instructor at the Freiburg Latin School, where he also board a little later. He then studied medicine and still earned a doctorate in 1535. As a medical officer and court physician Pictorius worked from 1540 in Ensisheim. After he had already presented first philosophical writings in Freiburg, he wrote in particular in Ensisheim numerous other writings. Among the most important of its approximately 50 works the Badenfahrt Booklet counts ( Baderbüchlin ) of 1560, in which he describes 38 bathrooms. He condemned witches in his book on magic: if witches not verbrennten, the number of these furies would increase immensely that no one would be safe. His wife woman medical work room provides information on issues of cosmetics and odor removal as well as for hair removal in the area of the female breast.

