George Herbert Walker

George Herbert Walker ( born June 11, 1875 in St. Louis, Missouri, † June 24, 1953 in New York City ) was an American banker.

Education and work

George Herbert Walker received his education in England at Stonyhurst College. In 1897 he completed his studies at Washington University in St. Louis. During this time he bought was named after him Walker 's Point, which was to be the summer residence of the President Bush family later.

Since 1900, he worked in investment banking. He founded the investment bank G. H. Walker & Co and used the international banking contacts his family. In 1904 he supported the organization of the Fair St. Louis World's Fair. Walker was close to the local Democratic Party. In 1920 he became president of the W. A. Harriman & Co. investment company. In this position, Walker was responsible for initiating extensive business, he realized the financing of the acquisition of the Hamburg-America Line by W. Averell Harriman and the purchase of the American Ship and Commerce Corp..

Following the merger of W. A. Harriman & Co. with the British -American investment house Brown Bros. & Co. in January 1931, Walker withdrew from the management of the company and left the management to his son Prescott Bush.

Walker has held a number of directorships ( in Germany comparable supervisory boards ). In addition to his role as director of the W. A. Harriman & Company, he was director of Harriman Fifteen, American International Corporation; Georgian Manganese Corporation; Barnsdall Corporation; American Ship & Commerce Corporation; Union Banking Corporation; G. H. Walker & Company; Missouri Pacific Railroad; Laclede Gas and the New Orleans, Texas and Mexico Railroad.

Golf Sport

He was a famous golfer and president of the United States Golf Association. According to him, in 1922, donated the Walker Cup is named, the most traditional team competition in amateur golf.


He was the father of Dorothy Walker, who was married to the later U.S. Senator Prescott Bush since 1921. His grandson, George HW Bush was the 41st President of the United States. The grandfather was honored in his first name and intermediate initials. Walker's first first name and last name form the first name and the name of his great-grandson Between George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the United States.
