George Kukla

George Kukla, actually Jiri Kukla ( born March 14, 1930 in Prague, Czechoslovakia) is a Czech Paleoklimatologe and researcher at the Lamont - Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University.


He was a member of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. In 2003 he was awarded the Milutin Milankovitch Medal.

Kukla believes that all ice ages in the Earth's history was preceded by a warming. He believes that the current global warming is mostly natural, and will result in a new ice age.

Kukla was instrumental in making that a national climate program was launched in the United States of America to life in the seventies of the last century. In January 1972 George Kukla and Robert Matthews came to a conference at Brown University in Providence / Rhode Iceland together. Took part, 42 of the then top researchers from Europe and America. Topic of discussion was " The Present interglacial, How and When will it end? ". The conclusions were summarized in two publications of 1972. In a letter dated December 3, 1972 Kukla and Matthews shared her opinion with the office of U.S. President Nixon. The letter warned of the possibility of a massive global deterioration of climate and their effects. While retaining the former pace they expected " glacial temperatures in about a century."

The White House forwarded the Kukla -Matthews writing to the Office of International Scientific and Technical Affairs of the State Department. This in turn forwarded the letter to the highest officers, interagency body, the Interdepartmental Committee to initiate for Atmospheric Sciences ( ICAS ) continue to review the matter and take appropriate measures. The ICAS then put together an ad hoc committee. As was discussed at the same time in the science of the greenhouse effect, it soon became apparent the need for a so-called Climate Diagnostics Center, that causes and effects of climate change should explore. Kukla warned during which the face of a cold winter 1976/77 public against " few feet of snow ," to speak of a new ice age only because a. President Carter signed the law on the National Climate Program Finally, on 17 September 1978. The Climate Diagnostics Center was housed at the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration.

In interviews in recent years Kukla takes the position that the scenario described by him in the 70s could be expected in the next five thousand years and the change from ice age and interglacial happened in the past, just like that.

Dr. George Kukla is Paleoklimatologe at the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades. The title of his last major publication, co-authored with JF McManus, D.-D. Rousseau and I. Chuine is: G. Kukla: How long and how stable that the load- interglacial? . In: Quaternary Science Reviews. 16, No. 6, 1997, pp. 605-612. ISSN 02773791 doi:. 10.1016/S0277-3791 (96 ) 00114 -X.
