Georges Humann

Jean -Georges Humann ( born August 6 1780 in Strasbourg, † April 25, 1842 in Paris) was a French statesman.


Humann, son of poor parents, brother of Johann Jakob Humann joined, in 1794 as an apprentice in a tobacco factory and later founded his own business, which soon took a big upswing.

Mainly it owes the Alsace the Canal du Rhone au Rhin. In recognition of the selfless services in 1821 his fellow citizens elected him a member of the Chamber of Deputies, where he joined the opposition.

After the July Revolution, he was Minister of Finance in October 1832 and introduced a number of reforms. He was able to increase the income of the State Treasury, to call into being new means of transport; he created a law on savings banks, but laid down his office in 1834, when his intention to carry out the conversion of the state pension, was frustrated by the opposition of his colleagues.

1837 appointed him King Louis Philippe to Pair, 1840, he took over for the second time the Treasury. However, the Parteiumtriebe in France, the significant costs for public works, the burden of the military budget and the construction of railways prevented him to restore the balance in the finances.
