Gerald Murnane

Gerald Murnane ( born February 25, 1939 in Melbourne) is an Australian poet. He has spent most of his life in Victoria.


After Murnane had participated in the 1950 short at a Catholic seminary, he lost his religious faith and devoted himself to fictional literature. He wrote two autobiographical novels: Tamarisk Row and A Lifetime on Clouds. In 1982 he received his mature style with The Plains, a short novel about a young filmmaker who travels to a fictional country far in the interior of Australia. The novel is a metaphysical parable about appearance and reality. Other books, such as the Roman Economy ( 1988) and the anthologies Landscape With Landscape (1985) and Emerald Blue ( 1995) continue this topic. The collection of essays Invisible Yet Enduring Lilacs appeared in 2005. Early 2006 it was announced that Murnane working on a new fictional work.

Murnane is an avid fan of horse racing and the filmmaker Adrian Martin made ​​the documentary Words and Silk about his interest in the sport.

Murnane is primarily known in Australia. At the University of Newcastle in New South Wales, a seminar on his work was held in 2001. But he also has followers in other countries, especially in Sweden and in the U.S., where The Plains in 1985 and 2004, re-published.

  • Author
  • Literature ( English )
  • Australian literature
  • Australian
  • Born in 1939
  • Man