Gerhard Buchwald

Gerhard Buchwald (* February 15, 1920 in Eisenberg, † 19 July 2009) was a German physician and Impfkritiker.


Gerhard Buchwald grew up in Thuringia in Eisenberg. After graduation, he served from 1939 to 1945 during World War II. Buchwald studied in Königsberg, Danzig and Jena Medicine and completed his doctorate at the University of Hamburg.

On August 25, 1949, he received the state exam in Jena. In 1948, he married Barbara Kratzert he had met through his career. In 1959 he took over the practice of medicine in the sanatorium Sun Rock on in Sülzhayn in the southern Harz, were treated in the tuberculosis patients. In 1953 he accepted the offer to act as chief physician in the tuberculosis hospital Ballenstedt am Harz. In 1954, he fled from the German Democratic Republic to the Federal Republic of Germany and practiced first in the sanatorium weevil in Jesteburg near Hamburg.

Stages of his future career were the hospital Schwäbisch Gmünd, the clinic Trausnitz in Bad Reichenhall and, from 1959, the Thoracic Clinic in Ruppertshain in the Taunus. From 1970 he headed the x-ray department at the hospital francs the Federal Insurance Institute for Salaried Employees in Bad Steben, where he rose to senior physician or medical director. From 1982 to 1989 he was chief physician of the clinic at the park in Bad Steben, which he left with his retirement in 1990.

Only at the age of 85 years in 2005, he gave his function as Medical Advisor to the Association for Protection damaged by vaccinations. He was the author of several books impfkritischer. He acquired in the course of his professional career recognition as a specialist in internal medicine and pulmonary diseases, as well as additional qualifications in naturopathy, social medicine and as a spa doctor.


As an outspoken anti-immunization practiced Buchenwald criticism of the current vaccination practices, as corresponds to the state of the science. As part of this criticism, he went up to the claim that vaccinations are not only ineffective, but even exclusively harmful, and presented, among others, violence and crime as a typical consequence of vaccinations is: " To explain the increasing stupidity and increasing violent crime, we do not need the most unusual theories use, because the solution is obvious: loss of intelligence leads to crime. To put it bluntly: causes of this development are the vaccinations. "

In addition, he tried to low rates of side effects of vaccination programs in the so-called "Third World" countries to explain there with an alleged " under-development of the nervous system " in children: " In the Third World is certainly much different than ours; Culture, civilization, and prosperity. Not only the countries there are probably a whole underdeveloped, possibly these are also the nervous systems of newborns and toddlers. [ ... ] Despite initially still existing childlike immaturity of the brains of our children, but these seem to be developed in contrast to the brains of the children of the Third World up to respond to vaccination. "
