German Langshan

Hen 2.5 to 3.5 kg

German long- Chan is a chicken breed that was came to its own end of the 19th century from the Croad long- Chan involving other chicken breeds.


At the German long- Chan is a superscript chicken with a long, stretched body. It has a slightly forward-leaning posture with a rising topline. The hull is rich and full and stays the same width over the entire length. The long- Chan have a very deep, wide and arched chest. On the right a small head too small comb which sits straight and standing is.

The German Long Chan are like their ancestors, the Croad long- Chan, good Zwiehühner. Convince you with a laying capacity of 160 eggs in the first and 120 eggs in the second year. Your straw - yellow to brown eggs weigh approximately 58 grams. The ring size is 22 and the cock with the hen 20

To Erzüchtung this race were, inter alia, Minorca used.

There is the German long- Chan in the colors black, blue-lined, white and braunbrüstig.

Inventory and risk

The German long- Chan is rare and is considered endangered domestic animal aces. The BDRG and GEH have the race in the "Red List of endangered livestock breeds in 2013 " in the highest hazard class I ( extreme risk ) classified. After that there was in Germany in 2009 only 104 cocks and 407 hens.
