Gerður Helgadóttir

Gerður Helgadóttir ( born April 11, 1928 in Tröllanes in Norðfjörður; † 17 mai 1975): was an Icelandic artist.

The artist became particularly apparent as a sculptor, painter and glass Mosaikbildnerin. She learned her artistic technique in which also known Icelandic sculptor Sigurjón Ólafsson. She was known for its geometric iron sculptures and three-dimensional abstract sculptures.

She studied at the Icelandic College of Arts and Handicraft and worked in Florence and Paris.

Famous works by the artist include the stained glass window in Skálholt and Kópavogskirkja or the Hallgrímskirkja of Saurbær on Hvalfjörður. Much of its work has been in Gerðarsafn, one named after her, opened in 1994 art gallery in Kópavogur collected.
