Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași

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The Technical University " Gh Asachi " Iasi ( rumän. Universitatea tehnica " Gh Asachi " Iaşi ) is located in the Romanian city of Iasi and was named after Gheorghe Asachi.


The roots of higher education in Iaşi date back to the Middle Ages. The first nuclei formed in the 16th century with the establishment of a Latin school in Cotnari, near Iaşi and the Colleg the driver Ierarhi Church.

1813 founded the scholar Gheorghe Asachi the first center for technical education in Romania. The first offering was a course of study of civil engineering, who later within the Michaelian Academy (1835 ) and the University Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iasi developed and was out.

In 1937, the Polytechnic Institute " Gheorghe Asachi " was established as an independent institution, were united in various technical disciplines.

Among the other 56 universities in Romania, Technical University of Iasi has the longest tradition in the field of technical studies and enjoys an excellent reputation.
