
Millimetre Wave Gigabit Wireless (literally translated: millimeter-wave gigabit wireless ), wireless short GIGE, also called Gifi, is a technology developed by the National Information and Communications Technology Research Centre ( NICTA ) at the University of Melbourne radio technology. Wireless GIGE to achieve transfer rates of 5 Gbit / s. The range is limited to about 10 m. Is sent to a frequency of 60 GHz. At 60 GHz the wavelength is λ

Hence the term millimeter wave ( " Millimetre Wave" ).

The based on CMOS technology wireless chip is highly integrated, so that only a minimal external Beschaltungsaufwand is required. The cost of the chip are very low and are about 6-7 euros.

With the help of this wireless technology to media and entertainment devices, such as televisions, DVD players, game consoles, etc., are linked together in the living room.
