Gianni Dal Maso

Gianni Dal Maso (born 1954 in Vicenza ) is an Italian mathematician who deals with the calculus of variations.

Dal Maso studied mathematics at the University of Pisa and the Scuola Normale Superiore with the Laurea degree in 1977 Ennio De Giorgi (Gamma -limits of set functions). In 1982 he became assistant professor at the University of Udine and from 1985 he was at the SISSA ( Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati ) in Trieste with a full professor since 1987. He is there since 2010 deputy director.

In the calculus of variations, he deals with Gamma - convergence, half steadiness and Relaxationsproblemen, Unstetigkeitsproblemen and applications in mechanics ( eg, fracture mechanics ), elasticity theory and image reconstruction.

In 1996 he received the mathematics prize of the Accademia dei XL, in 2003 the price of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Minister of Culture of the Accademia dei Lincei, 2005, Luigi Amerio price of the Istituto Lombardo and 1991 the Premio Caccioppoli. He is a corresponding member of the Istitutio Veneto. He was invited speaker at the 3rd European Congress of Mathematicians in 2000 in Barcelona. In 2002 he was Lecturer EMS and 2011 he received an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council.


  • An Introduction to Gamma - Convergence, Birkhäuser 1993