Gilded Barbet

Capito auratus, in front a male, about a young bird

Capito auratus is a species of bird in the family of the American barbets. The species is widespread in South America. Capito auratus was long ( Capito niger) regarded as a subspecies of the speckle beard bird, which is why this type - which still does not have a German name - is sometimes referred to in the German language as well as polka dots Barbet. Since 2005, the separation is considered in two ways as generally recognized.

The IUCN classifies Capito auratus as a not at risk ( least concern ).


The males of Capito auratus achieve a wing length 8.0 to 8.7 centimeters and the beak is between 2.0 and 2.5 inches long. The males have an orange forehead and an orange skull. This orange is offset by a very narrow black stripe from beak. Behind the eyes begins a brighter narrow strip, which forms on the mantle a V-shaped badge. The jacket and the rest of the body top is black. The chin and throat is reddish orange, on the chest of this goes on in a bright yellow orange. The belly is yellowish white, on the sides of the body are gray, often teardrop-shaped spots. The females are overall significantly more brownish on the body bottom drops the drawing is denser and begins at the throat. The wing coverts are lined with orange.

Distribution and habitat

The distribution area of Capito auratus is one of the largest within the American barbets. It extends from the eastern foothills of the Andes to the rivers in the west of the Amazon basin. For distribution area belong the East of Colombia and Venezuela, the east of Ecuador, the northern and southeastern Peru and northern Bolivia. In Bolivia, the occurrence of Capito auratus is limited to the territory of the tributaries of the Rio Madeira. The eastern limit of distribution is the Rio Purus in the southwestern Amazon basin. In the northwest of the Amazon basin, the Brazilian state of Roraima, the eastern border of the distribution area dar.

The habitat is moist tropical forests in the lowlands. Capito auratus lives mainly of fruits.

