

KwaGingindlovu (until 2009 Gingindlovu ) is a city in the South African province of KwaZulu -Natal. It is located in the municipality in the district Umlalazi uThungulu. 2011, it had 1,109 inhabitants. The name of the place is the isiZulu term for "place of elephants swallower ". Here, the Zulu King Cetshwayo had his brother Mbulazi defeated in the battle for the throne. Then Cetshwayo built a kraal here, which he used as a military base. Today KwaGingindlovu is a center for sugar cane cultivation.


KwaGingindlovu is located about 120 kilometers northeast of Durban and 160 kilometers northeast of Pietermaritzburg. Places of interest include Vulindlela (11 km), Mtunzini (21 km), Eshowe ( 22 km) and Tugela (25 km). KwaGingindlovu is located at a height of 97 meters above sea level near the Amatikulu River.

The average rainfall in KwaGingindlovu is 944 millimeters. Most precipitation falls in the summer (October to March). The lowest amount of rainfall there are 25 millimeters in July. Most precipitation falls in January (123 mm). The average high temperature in KwaGingindlovu varies from 22.9 ° C in June to 28 ° C in January. The coldest month is July. Here are the minimum average night at 10.4 ° ​​C.


  • The battlefields of Gingindlovu (1879 ) and Nyezane are in the vicinity of the city. Here defeated Lord Chelmsford with a 6,000 man impi of 11,000 Zulu.
  • The Amatikulu Game Reserve between Tugela and Amatikulu is located near the city.