Giovanni Aldobrandini

Giovanni Aldobrandini (* 1525 in Fano, Italy, † September 7, 1573 in Rome ) was a Cardinal of the Catholic Church.

Giovanni Aldobrandini, who came from the Florentine noble family of Aldobrandini, was Bishop of Imola and later became Major Penitentiary as a member of the Roman Curia. He studied theology at the University of Salamanca. He then became the canon of Salamanca and chaplain of the Prince Don Juan. He was appointed cardinal by Pope Pius V. on May 17, 1570. He was the brother of Pope Clement VIII and related to the cardinals Pietro Aldobrandini ( 1593), Cinzio Passeri Aldobrandini ( 1593), Silvestro Aldobrandini (1603 ) and Ippolito Aldobrandini the Younger ( 1621).
