Giovanni Battista Caporali

Giovan Battista Caporali (also Gian Battista Caporali or Giambattista ) (* 1476, † 1560) was a famous Italian painter and architect of the Renaissance. From Vasari he was mistakenly called Benedetto. According to Vasari, he was a pupil of Perugino from around 1509 in Rome. Further studies may Architecture at Bramante, Peruzzi or Giuliano Sangallo. The Villa Passerini at Cortona in 1515 is probably the only secure building Caporali. More important for the history of architecture is Caporali by his 1536 published and translated edition of the architectural books of Vitruvius, which was based on the 1521 version created by Cesare Cesarino. As a painter Caporali was mainly under the influence of Michelangelo and Giulio Romano. His most famous pupil was Galeazzo Alessi architecture.
