
The Glanerbeek is a tributary of the spelled. The creek originates in the German part of the Amtsvenns in the Borken and crosses there the border with the Netherlands south of Enschede.

The stream flows on the Dutch side by the municipality of Enschede. In the development area De Eschmarke between the city of Enschede and Glanerbrug the creek is part of the applied there biotope network.

The creek is named after him along the village Glanerbrug over a length of about 2 km a natural border with Germany. At the level of the settlement Glane Glanerbeek opens into the spelled.

The Dutch water composite Regge and Dinkel has rehabilitated a large part of the stream. For this purpose, the composite has bought two old, separated from the course meanders and reconnected to the water system. Furthermore, a very new and spiraling riverbed was dug in some places. A fish ladder, and specially brick embankments with nesting sites for kingfishers and wagtails complement the efforts to renaturation.

Along the Glanerbeekweges ( Behoud van Natuurmonumenten Vereniging dead in Nederland ), the Dutch Association of natural monuments created an additional, broader stream in 2006. In this new wide areas were provided with rock -like embankments to prevent soil erosion. About this part of the Glanerbeeks lead two bridges, one arrives on the walk or bike directly to Germany.

Background of this additional applied watercourse is the attempt amphibians, such as frogs and newts, as well as rare plant species such as the swamp iris to locate the bogbean and Wasserknöterich, and continue to help them secure habitat.
