Global Location Number

The Global Location Number or Global Location Number (GLN ) identified globally the full corporate or business name and the address. It is assigned by the GS1 organizations against royalties. For Germany, this is the GS1 Germany, Austria for the GS1, GS1 Switzerland for Switzerland.

By 2009, the GLN as International Location Number or International Location Number ( GLN ) was called.

The GLN consists of 13 digits. The first three digits contain the country prefix GS1 member company, for example, Germany 400-440. Then follow 4 to 6 points, together with the country number, the 7 - to 9 - digit form GS1 Company Prefix of the company. In the next 3 to 5 digits to the point 12 followed by an individual part number within the enterprise. On the spot 13 ​​is the check digit.

The GLN identifies sites. It indicates, for example, where a range is to be sent. It does not serve the labeling of pallets or other shipping units. For this, the number of shipping unit should be used.

The GLN is not to be found on the articles of a company itself. However, the 13-digit European Article Number begins an article with the GS1 Company Prefix of the company.

GLN in waste legislation ( Austria )

Traps in a company hazardous waste on a regular basis - that is, at least once a year - or waste oil in the amount of at least 200 liters per year, they must be disposed of as hazardous waste consignment note. For this you need a permit from the Governor, who in the course of granting licenses to collectors and handlers an identification number (formerly waste holder number) allocates. This 13 - digit identification number corresponding to the GLN and the waste producer must specify them in his accompanying note. The GLN is obtained after registration in the Electronic Register ( "EDM portal " ) under
