Globish (Nerriere)

  • Constructed language plan language


Art ( other constructed languages)

Globish is a constructed language based on English. The name is a neologism of the words Global and English. This is a very simplified form of the English language. Your vocabulary is based on approximately 1,500 words.

In contrast to Basic English, Simplified English and Special English it is not formalized and is based solely on Community development and advancement. Therefore, it is often difficult to tell if a specific example of the English language can be viewed as Globish or not.

Terms and alternatives

Globish is increasingly used in the context of a simple understanding within the international communication. Globish has been devised specifically for use in the global economic sphere. Above all, it allows for easy communication between interlocutors for whom English is a foreign language respectively. Globish building on level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​on, contains many internationalisms and waives idioms and phrases.

Attempts at unification of Globish

There have been attempts to unify Globish. This includes:
