Globus pallidus

The globus pallidus (Latin, German pale sphere) or the globus pallidus is a core area in the brain. Developmentally, it is part of the diencephalon ( diencephalon ), there is functionally associated with the basal ganglia. The globus pallidus can be divided into a physically active ( globus pallidus pars lateralis or externa globin pallidi ) and a movement slowing ( globus pallidus pars interna medial or globin pallidi ) region, the activity-enhancing predominates. This also explains its function as a ground- forming center in the extrapyramidal system. The globus pallidus thus acts as an antagonist of the striatum.

Pulses are mainly guided by the striatum, nucleus pallidus and subthalamic thalamus to the globe. Efferents are directed for the most part as inhibitory impulses to the subthalamic nucleus and the thalamus.

  • Heartland
  • Diencephalon