Gnathocharax steindachneri

Taillight - dragon -finned fishes ( Gnathocharax steindachneri )

The final light - dragon -finned fishes ( Gnathocharax steindachneri ) is a freshwater fish belonging to the order Characins ( Characiformes ). He comes in tropical South America in the Amazon basin, in the upper Orinokogebiet and in Guiana before. The scientific name of the genus was because of the long maxilla ( upper jaw bone ) awarded ( Gr. " Gnatho " - = pine, " charax " = tip), the type - steindachneri epithet in honor of the Austrian zoologist Franz Steindachner.


The final light - dragon -finned fishes is 5 to 6 inches long. His body is elongated and laterally strongly flattened. Females are deep-bodied and compact, males significantly slimmer. A short adipose fin is present. The pectoral fins are elongated, forked tail fin and the large fitted at the base with red and black dots. The fins are yellowish, the rest of the body silvery or transparent with a dark band along the sides. The eyes are large, the upper part of the iris is red. In spawning females prepare the blackish eggs can be seen above the anal fin as a dark spot. Because of the wide distribution of fishes occur in different color variations.

  • Fins formula: Dorsal 2/6/1, 3/31/1 anal, pectoral 1/15, Anterior 1/7.
  • Shed Formula 33 (MLR ), 10 ( QR )

The final light - dragon -finned feeds mainly on approach food (insects that have fallen onto the water surface ).
