Gogmagog (folklore)

Gogmagog was a giant in the Anglo-Saxon mythology. He was three and a half feet tall and so strong that he could pull out all the oak trees such as hazel rods. Etymologically, its name is possibly on Gawr Madoc back ( Gawr = giant).

Geoffrey of Monmouth Historia Regum Britanniae told in, ie in the history of the Kings of Britain to 1136, as the island of Britain was settled under Brutus of Troy refugees. Corineus, one of his followers, the ruler of Cornwall where there were particularly many giants was.

As Gogmagog and twenty other giants Brutus during a church attacked, he killed them down to Gogmagog that should contend for his entertainment with Corineus. Gogmagog Corineus broke three ribs, but then dragged him to the coast and this threw him off the cliffs into the sea, where he crashed.
