Goldbach (Tollense)


The Goldbach is a tributary of the Tollense in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. It rises south-east of Gützkow and west of Tützpatz in the district Mecklenburg Lakes and initially flows in a northeasterly direction, whereas piped to about 1.7 km and in other parts of begradigt.Südöstlich Gültz opens the Voßbach in the Goldbach. In the book mountain he changes his course, is dammed at the gold mill and flows from there through a meandering in the Ice Age shaped, partially deep rugged valley to the southeast. This area is classified as a nature reserve since 1962. Northwest of Mühlenhagen takes Goldbach on the Marienbach before at Friedenthal reached the Tolense and after a total length of about 14 kilometers east of Mühlenhagen opens into the Tollense.

The Goldbach was first mentioned in 1245 in a document as a gold beacon. In the 13th or 14th century water mill was built north of Rosemarsow, which is called the gold mill, Goldbach mill or gold mill Bacher. In Friedenthal at Mühlenhagen is a former water mill, which had two overshot wheels.
