Gonçalo Ribeiro Telles

Gonçalo Pereira Ribeiro Telles ( born May 24, 1922 in São José, Lisbon ) is a Portuguese politician and landscape architect.


He was a member of the youth movement Juventude Católica Agraria. Along with Francisco Sousa Tavares (1920-1993) he founded in 1957, the movement of the Independent monarchists, Movimento dos Monárquicos Independentes, followed by the movement of the Volksmonarchisten, Movimento dos Monárquicos Populares. This was a significant point of opposition to the Salazar dictatorship dar. In the great flood of Lisbon in 1967, he strongly criticized the urbanization policies of the government. He is the founder of the monarchist Portuguese Partido Popular Monárquico, which was formed from monarchist groups set on 23 May 1974. In 1994 he left the party and founded the ecological party Movimento o Partido da Terra, whose honorary president he still is. At the time of right-wing coalition in Portugal ( Aliança Democrática ), which was from 1979 to 1983, he was in the Eighth legislature from 1981 to 1983 under Prime Minister Francisco Pinto Balsemão Minister of State for quality of life ( Ministro de Estado e da Qualidade de Vida ). 1988, the Ordem Militar de Cristo, he was awarded.

Landscape Architecture

As a landscape architect, he was responsible for the planning and construction of Cemitério dos Olivais as well as the Park of the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian in Lisbon. For the latter project, he was awarded ex aequo the 1975 prestigious architecture prize Prémio Valmor. He was also responsible for the planning and installation of the garden Amália Rodrigues in the vicinity of the Park Eduardo VII in Lisbon. From 1976 on he was a professor at the Technical University of Lisbon. He was the founder of the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Évora, where he is an honorary professor.

Awards (selection)

Publications (selection)

  • To novo conceito de cidade: A paisagem globally. Contemporanea Editora, Matosinhos 1996, ISBN 9728305222nd
  • Plano Verde de Lisboa. Edições Colibri, Lisbon 1997, ISBN 9,728,288,743th