Google Health

Google Health ( German: Google Health ) was a platform that could be stored on the electronic medical records. The service was launched in May 2008, in June 2011, Google announced the setting on 1 January 2012 (up to 1 January 2013, users could not delete their data or download ).

In the English version, users could store information about their general health, allergies, laboratory results and current medications with Google Health to make them available for potential emergencies or doctor visits. The platform used this information to develop a profile of the user's health and to compile information about the possible risks and incompatibilities.

Privacy concerns

Access to the data is possible only with a password and user name, but this would not be sufficient for sensitive patient data. Google Health is not subject to the strict German data protection laws and health as the company Google is neither a health care provider or an insurance company is, the service is also not from the U.S. Privacy Act Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA ) regulated. The CIO of Children's Hospital Boston Isaac Kohane said: "If there is no legal protection, there is always the risk that data will be used in ways that are not in the best interest of the patient. This involves a lot of money. " Pam Dixon of the World Privacy Forum criticized: "The doctor has sworn a Hippocratic oath and must act in their interest ( the patients). A listed company is thinking above all of the shareholders ". Hartwig Meyer, Chairman of the Association for the protection of patients, collecting data on diseases on the internet considers dangerous: "If there is such a central collection on patient about the greed of employers and health insurers could wake up". The federal privacy advocates Peter Schaar warned of Google Health and similar services, as a misuse of the data would be hard to prevent.


Google Health has been developed since 2006 and was subjected to a two -month trial period at a private hospital operator.

On 20 May 2008, the platform for public beta testing has been unlocked. Due to problems of acceptance, the service was discontinued January 1, 2012, already existing user data should be available until 1 January 2013.


The data exchange works only with English-speaking healthcare providers and includes the following features:

  • Central storage of personal medical data
  • Verification of medication interactions.
  • Acquisition of medical reports and findings of hospitals and doctors.
  • Search for doctors and hospitals.

The medical data of the user were not initially used to place personal ads. It was, however, provided that external service providers should receive a fee to access certain records. The service was available to anyone who has had a Google account or a Google e - mail address.
