
The Gosiute were a Native American tribe of the Western Shoshone from the Uto-Aztecan language family. They lived in what is now Utah and northern Nevada.

The Gosiute spoke Shoshone belonging to the Uto-Aztecan language family. As the neighboring tribes spoke only slight variations of the same language, they could easily communicate with the Bannock, the Paiute, the Ute and other Shoshone. Later, during the reservation period, the Gosiute mixed with the various neighboring tribes.

They lived in simple Wickiups and subsisted on small game and wild plants, such as wild onions, carrots and potatoes.

They even called themselves Toi Ticutta ( Cattail Eaters - " eater of broadleaf pipe piston " whose rhizomes are edible and rich in starch after boiling ).
