Graceful Prinia

Streifenprinie ( Prinia gracilis )

The Streifenprinie ( Prinia gracilis ) is a Singvogelart from the family of Halmsängerartigen ( Cisticolidae ).


The Streifenprinie reaches a body length of 10-11 centimeters. It resembles the Wüstenprinie, but her head is small, round and rather plain. The top is pretty plain pale brownish gray, upper back and head are dashed fine dark. Compared to Wüstenprinie missing the bright eyes glancing over and the dark streak. The underside is plain dirty white. The tail is long and heavily promoted. The feathers have black Subterminalbinden and white lace. In the male in breeding plumage, the beak is black, brown in the female.

Distribution and habitat

The breeding range includes Turkey and the Middle East. This breeds the kind in dry and wet areas in bushes and tall grass and often. Along the banks of rivers and ponds and ditches The Streifenprinie inhabited cropland and occurs near the building when there tight undergrowth Tamariskengebüsche, reeds, rushes, or the like are present.

Way of life

The Streifenprinie is usually little shy and lively, but most of his time in dense vegetation on and rarely comes to the ground. The enclosed nest is built in low bushes or in tall grass. The Streifenprinie is an annual bird.


The Call is a multiple repeated explosive " tlipp! " or metallic rattling " srrrrrrt ". The rhythm oscillates slightly. The alarm call is a sharp " tsiit ", which is similar to the tree pipit. The song is a monotonous " srrLÍP srrLÍP ".


  • RF Porter, S. Christensen, P. Schier Macker -Hansen: Birds of the Middle East. Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford, 1996, pp. 164-165 and 375, ISBN 978-0-691-12104-8
  • Lars Svensson, Peter J. Grant, Killian Mullarney, Dan Zetterström: The new cosmos - bird guides. Franckh - Kosmos Verlag, Stuttgart, 1999: pp. 288-289, ISBN 978-3-440-07720-7.