Grady Booch

Grady Booch ( born February 27, 1955 in Texas ) is an American computer scientist. He is considered a pioneer in the field of modular and object-oriented software design and class libraries ( Ada, C ). In 1977 he graduated as a Bachelor of Science from the United States Air Force Academy, 1979 he obtained the title of Master of Science at the University of California.

Since 1980 he has been Chief Scientist of Rational Software company in Santa Clara ( California). Together with Ivar Jacobson and James Rumbaugh is also called the Three Amigos ( founder of the Unified Modeling Language). Following the acquisition of Rational Software at IBM he has worked for IBM since 2003 and is IBM Fellow.

Booch notation

Basis for Boochs collaboration on the Unified Modeling Language ( UML) was his own notation that really stand out for their distinctive graphical form for classes. This notation is no longer in use.

The essential elements of this notation are classes and their relationships to each other. Classes are symbolized by a cloud. In this cloud, the name of the class. Abstract classes are indicated by a downward pointing triangle with an "A". Parameterized classes are extended with a class name in a rectangular box. The main relationships between classes are inheritance, property ( aggregation) and use. They are shown only as simple associations during the design phase. The arrow an inheritance relationship runs from the inheriting subclass to superclass. The ownership relationship is represented by a line with filled circle at the end of the aggregating class, using this circuit is not required.

