Grammatical number

The number (plural: Numbers ) is in the grammar a Zählform for the determination of quantity weights, thus establishing or distinction of the number.

There are, depending on the language the following Numbers: singular, dual, parallel, trial, Quadral, Paukal, plural, distributive. However, for example the classical Arabic, Slovenian and Sorbian for all nouns and verbs on dual forms, the Hebrew have only for pairs occurring body parts ( hands, lips etc. ) and some concepts of time. Many non-European languages ​​, such as Chinese, however, know no numerus as a category of grammar - the number is expressed in this case only means of number words or quantity as required, but uniqueness is omitted the specification.

In the grammar of the German the singular ( singular) and plural (plural ) are distinguished. Here Numerusformen form the following parts of speech: noun, adjective, verb, articles and pronouns.

There are also words that occur only in the singular or only in the majority either; these hot Singulariatantum or Pluraliatantum.

Examples of the different number for German nouns in the nominative:
