Granuloma annulare

Granuloma annulare counts as sarcoidosis ( Boeck's disease ) to the noninfectious granulomatous skin diseases. The exact cause of the disease is not known, however, comes mainly granuloma annulare in children and in women. In affected individuals, an association of 20% was stated earlier with diabetes mellitus. Recent studies refute this, however.

Symptoms are small circular, in the course of growing, not itchy, sharply demarcated papules and small reddish unknown etiology. Mainly these occur on the extremities, ie on foot and hand back and over the joints on. Healing occurs almost always without scarring, but this disease is very stubborn and still not operate effective treatment is known. Being moderately successful treatments show irradiation with UV light, kortisolhaltige film dressings and dabbing liquid nitrogen to break the ring structure. For more severe curves can be displayed a intraläsionelle Kortisoltherapie. It is also important to let heal inflammation.
