
Referred graphomania (Greek γραφειν graphein, write ' and μανία mania, madness '), also synonymously called Fury scribendi (Latin furor, fury ' and scribere, write '), is to write the morbid desire and occurs chronically as a symptom including through organic psychiatric Partialsyndrome, especially an organic personality change on. Here, the person has the desire to write down his thoughts and ideas. A similar concept, the Graphorrhö (Greek: ῥεῖ Rhei flow ') also known as Kritzelsucht also describes the urge to express themselves, which mainly manifests itself in the writing of documents, letters and memoirs.

Like all patterns of action, the bandwidth ranges from one ( only ) natural action up to morbid or manic compulsion, a fault with may also investigated similar character. As an example, the urge can serve, at any cost to publish and bring a (sometimes hectic authored ) work it regardless of quality of performance or the impact to the public.

At graphomania or Graphorrhö often suffer self-appointed publicist, but also well-known writers, commentators ( for example, in numerous websites, blogs or forums). Also known persons suffering from this disease. For example, Alfred Krupp wrote during his life several thousand letters - sometimes the same person several in one day; He also wrote a myriad of memoranda to his workers. From Victor Hugo is known that he littered his house on Jersey formally with quotes and mottos on walls and furniture.
