Gray angelfish

Gray Angelfish ( Pomacanthus arcuatus )

The Gray Angelfish ( Pomacanthus arcuatus ) or large fin angelfish is a species of the genus Pomacanthus from the family of angelfish ( Pomacanthidae ).


Gray angelfish are up to 50 centimeters long. Their body color is like the German name implies, light gray, with one dark gray spot on each scale. The throat region, the chest and pelvic fins are dark gray. The caudal fin has a light blue hem. The muzzle is white. Dorsal and anal fins have a threadlike extension.

Young Gray angelfish are black with five vertical yellow stripes on the body.


He lives in the tropical and subtropical western Atlantic, from the coast of Brazil to Florida, in the northern Caribbean, the Gulf of Mexico. Occasionally you can find him on the coast of New England. Gray angelfish have large areas of over 1000 m² where they usually live in pairs.


Gray angelfish feed on sponges, sea squirts, bryozoans, hydroids, gorgonians, sea grass and algae.


Due to its unattractive color of Gray Angelfish is not caught as his relatives as an aquarium fish. He is in the Caribbean, however, a prized food fish.
