Gray-bellied night monkey

The Colombian Nachtaffe ( Aotus lemurinus ) is a primate of the group of night monkeys ( Aotidae ).


Like all night monkeys are Colombian owl monkeys relatively small primates. Its weight is about 0.9 kg, the males are slightly heavier than the females. Their fur, which is longer than the other night monkey is colored gray-brown on the back and on the outside of the limbs, the abdomen and the inside of the limbs are light gray or light brown. The tail is longer than the trunk and bushy. The big, brown eyes are surrounded by white boxes, stretch out along the head three dark stripes, each one outside of each eye and one on the forehead to the nose. From other night monkeys, they differ in the longer fur and in the number of chromosomes.

Distribution and habitat

Colombian owl monkeys are widespread in the Andean regions of Colombia and Ecuador, where they occur in forests 1000-3200 meters above sea level.

Way of life

Little is known about the way of life, but it should match the rest of the night monkey. They are nocturnal and usually stay up in the trees. There, they move away on all fours and jumping. Night monkeys live in monogamous family groups of two to five animals and inhabit solid grounds, which they defend against conspecifics. The main food of these animals consists of fruits, besides they also eat leaves and insects. Avoid through their nocturnal lifestyle they compete with diurnal, more dominant species.


Main threat to the Colombian owl monkeys represent the destruction of their habitat through deforestation and conversion to agricultural land dar. Armed conflicts complicate the implementation of protective measures. Overall, the type of the IUCN ( vulnerable ) is "at risk" as listed.


The Eastern Grey -throated Nachtaffe is one of about 11 species of night monkeys, which are distinguished today. He is expected within the night monkeys, gray -throated group, which summarizes the urtümlicheren, north of the Amazon fauna. The systematics within this group is controversial, there are some outwardly similar species, but differ in the number of chromosomes. Thus, the Panama Nachtaffe ( Aotus zonalis ), the gray hand - Nachtaffe ( Aotus griseimembra ) and Brumback - Nachtaffe ( Aotus brumbacki ), formerly considered subspecies of the Colombian night monkey, today Defler and Bueno (2007) managed as separate species. On the other hand, the Hershkovitz - Nachtaffe, who was previously a separate species Aotus hershkovitzi, now combined with this type.
