Grażyna Bacewicz

Bacewicz ( born February 5, 1909 in Łódź, † January 17, 1969 in Warsaw) was a Polish composer.


Bacewicz received her first training in piano and violin and composition with her ​​father. She has appeared on as a child and wrote her first book at the age of thirteen. In 1928 she began studying philosophy at the University of Warsaw. At the Conservatory of Music Academy in Warsaw she studied composition with Kazimierz Sikorski, violin with Józef Jarzębski and piano with Jan Turczyński. Since the early 1930s, she studied composition in Paris with Nadia Boulanger and violin with André Touret and Carl Flesch. From 1934 to 1935, and after 1945 she taught at the conservatory in Łódź, then she lived in Warsaw. Until 1955, she worked alongside her composing activities as violinist, since 1963, she also taught at the Warsaw Conservatory. In addition, she has also been successful as a writer, in Poland published several of her stories and novels. Among her pupils was Piotr Moss.

Bacewicz composed a radio opera ( Przygoda Krola Artura, 1959), three ballets, six symphonies and other orchestral works, several instrumental concertos, numerous chamber works, a cantata, and songs. It was considered a master of instrumentation and one of the most important representatives of modern Polish music.
